Resource Management

The second step of management after planning is organizing. Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals. (Daft & Marcic, 2017). While a strategy defines what to do, organizing defines how to do it. In term of an organization, the deployment of resources is reflected in the organization's division of labor into specific departments and jobs, formal lines of authority, and mechanisms for coordinating diverse organization tasks. It is also important to have an organizational structure and chart. An organization structure is defined as (1) the set of formal tasks assigned to individuals and departments, (2) formal reporting relationships, including lines of authority, decision responsibility, number of hierarchical levels, and span of manager's control, and (3) the design of systems to ensure effective coordination of employees across departments. (Daft & Marcic, 2017). An organization chart is the virtual representation of an organization's structure. 

I would deploy resources using various steps. First, I will list all of my tasks and responsibilities on a to-do-checklist. There are three types of checklist that I will do. First, is today to-do checklist, second is this two weeks to-do checklist, and third is my goal checklist. As for today to-do checklist, it will include my school and work needs such as the assignments and exams. This helps me to recognize my priorities and to settle things that need attention the most because of the due date. Next, the two-weeks to do list will include all the assignments, exams and others that are due within two weeks. This will help me to plan better for the future and to use my time well. Then, my goal checklist will include things that are not a formal priority and does not have a due. This includes reading a novel or watching a documentary or helping a friend. These goals help me to remember that I also have responsibilities as a daughter or a friend or a person and not just a student. This checklist is being done for every month and I will bring forward goals that are not achieved in the previous month.

Of course, to say and plan it is much easier than executing itself. Some of the challenges in deploying my resources are (1) time limitation, (2) unexpected changes, and (3) external distractions. As for the time limitation, sometimes, there is just too much task to do within the time given. Thus, the way I resolve this is by reducing my time for leisure and focusing on what important. The disadvantage is that I may do things for the sake of having it done rather than doing it properly. Besides, for the unexpected events or changes, this may include circumstances such as sudden invitation from friends. To solve this, I would see if I really have time for the events or not, if not, then I would need to decline it kindly. Next, is the external distractions. This may include interesting tv shows and movies. I would tell myself that I could only watch it if I have done my other tasks. This may be a good solution as according to the article "Empowering Others", there are five ways to empower the team, and I believe that this applies to empower myself as well. The five ways are vision first, show them who you are, recognize efforts and reward success, present new challenges, and opportunities and get out of the way. (Couris, 2017)
