Methods of Control, Continuous Improvement, and Financial Control

Hierarchical control involves monitoring and influencing employee behavior through extensive use of rules, policies, a hierarchy of authority, written documentation, reward systems, and other formal mechanisms. The decentralized control is based on values and assumptions that are almost opposite to those of hierarchical control. It relies on cultural values, traditions, shared beliefs, and trust to foster compliance with organizational goals (Daft & Marcic, 2017). For my organization or myself, my method of control is more to decentralized control rather than the hierarchical control. This is because I highly understand the value and importance of shared values between me and others around me. The significance is that I could understand others like and dislikes better. I could also respect their behavior and actions.

Continuous improvement or kaizen is the implementation of a large number of small, incremental improvements in all areas of the organization on an ongoing basis. It is very important for me to always have continuous improvement in whatever I am doing. This is because continuous improvement will help me to better every time. It also reminds me to always do my best and never fo things half-heartedly. To ensure continuous improvement, I would record my daily task. I would also write on a note when I receive a compliment in study or work. This is so that I could always be motivated to always improve myself.

Financial control is also important to me. Money is something that we need to survive in this world. Thus, financial control is a crucial aspect of controlling. To practice financial control, I would record my expenses weekly. I would also record it when I have a debt to someone and set it as my priority. Creating financial statements such as balance sheet and income statement is helpful for me to ensure that I am always in the budget and that my financial is stable.
