Changes and creativity

Organizational change is defined as the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization. (Daft & Marcic, 2017). There are many factors to why a change could occur. This includes powerful customer demands annual price cuts, or when new government regulations go into effect. As for me, changes may occur because of: (1) new environment and (2) new opportunities. To me, a chance to change may be a good opportunity for me to lead a better life. Thus, I am quite open to accepting new ideas and behaviors. I could also say that I may become easily influenced by external factors such as friends and social media. The good thing about being open to new ideas and behavior is that it helps me to solve a problem more critically through creative thinking. It also helps to explore more of my potential and helps me to create a possible better future. Changes also help me to explore new opportunities and teach me new things. However, being too open to changes could also destroy me as it may bring me to not have a solid justification for my action. It may also make me too reliable on new technologies or changes. Thus, I have always reminded myself to be aware of changes and first be optimistic towards it while also not be too dependent on it and to believe in myself first before adopting changes. 

I would say myself as not really a creative person. While I am open to changes and new ideas, I also think that it is sometimes still hard for me to be creative in finding solutions. One example of my limited creativity is that I would always use the same solution to every problem except if there is something that triggers me to change. However, I would like to explore my creativity and try to be more innovative in the future.
