My Goal and Mission

Every person has their own goal and dream that they want to achieve. Some keep it for a long time while some give up in the middle. Personally, I believe that setting a goal is very important as it helps us to stay focused on what matters the most. I am the type of person that would renew or reset my goal on every new year. As for the previous year, my goal only focuses on one specific thing which is to do better in my study. As for this year, I have decided to change my goal to a wider view. My goal now is to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. This goal will likely to be my goal for the upcoming years probably with improvement. The reason for me to set this goal is because of my experiences in the previous years. While trying to focus on only one aspect of life, I have realized that there are a lot of things that I have missed. Thus, I have decided to set my goal wide and aim for more beautiful things and achievement this year.

To be more specific, I have set up three specific goals. First, to improve my sleeping habits, to excel in studies, and to improve my social life.

As for my mission statement, it is "Move to be healthy. Rest to be happy" The word "move" is defined as doing any physical activities including any daily activities from going to school, hanging out with friends and reading. The term "rest" is to take a break from social life, to give time to me for healing, or just doing nothing. The words healthy and happy in this mission is simple as it is. This mission statement probably shows that I am a simple-minded person as well as a future-oriented person. 

Goal: To lead a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Mission: Move to be healthy. Rest to be happy.

"Life is not merely being alive but being well"

"Life is only as good as your mindset"
