Decision Making

One thing for sure that a human need to face every day is to deal with choices. In the video "The Art of Choosing" by Sheena Iyengar, she mentioned that choices may be affected by our own perception toward things. This includes our background, culture, and mindset. Personally, I view a decision-making approach as an important tool in my daily life. This is because as we choose one thing, we need to forgo the other. And as we make our decision, it may lead us closer to our goal or distract us further from our goal. Personally, I would first explore my choices or problem as either an opportunity or a threat. Then, I would look back at my experiences and see if this is a recurring problem or a new problem. If it is a recurring problem, I would use my experience to seek a better solution. If it is a new problem, then I would bring out a few options on how to solve it. Then, I would argue each option out until I can discover the one with the least negative consequences.

I would say that most of my decisions are programmed decisions as the same problem has occurred a couple of times. For almost all the time, I would choose the same solution to these problems. However, I realized that by using the same solution, it may not be as effective as before. Thus, I believe that I should improvise my solution every time to get a better outcome.

As for the decision-making model, I would prefer the administrative model rather than the political or classical model. This is because it seems more realistic in today's world. The strength of this model is that it is a realistic approach as it recognizes human and environmental limitations that could affect human to make a rational decision. The weakness of this model is that it may be too strict and may limit a human's ability to be creative and innovative. To maximize its strength, I should observe carefully the limits that I have and make sure to not make any decision that would have a bias.  As for the weakness, I would have to think out of the box to solve the problem.

Furthermore, like a normal person, I tend to make a lot of mistakes in making a decision. I believe that there are many factors that could contribute to bad decision-making. This includes personal interest, confirmation bias, and environmental factors. To avoid making a bad decision, I need to stay focused on the goal and explore all the options carefully.
